Saturday, November 3, 2007

Happy Halloween

The boys had fun on Halloween. They are very into Star Wars right now. Garrett was Jango Fett and Drew was a Clone Trooper. They walked around the neighborhood together in a "mob" with 6 other neighbor kids. Their pumpkin buckets were pretty full when they returned to the house. Then they convinced Kelly to take them to a Harvest Festival at a local church and came back from there with even more candy. Drew had so much fun that on Thursday night he asked when it was going to be Halloween again. Since the kids are so into Star Wars, I carved the pumpkins with two Star Wars characters they chose. One was Jango Fett and the other was Darth Maul. This year, the boys were not afraid to touch the inside of the pumpkins and actually helped get the seeds out of both of them. You can click on the picture below for more photos from Halloween.

Halloween 2007

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